Tuesday, September 9, 2008

On Making Comics

What from the assignment were you surprised by when doing it? For example, did the difficulty/ ease or results surprise you? What about your creative process did you find interesting, why?

In making the 24 hour comic assignment, I had a great deal of difficultly representing my world with the absence of self. I found it interesting because really what I was doing was drawing the world either as I saw it or as the world saw me. I saw someones leg at the beach- I felt the wave- but saw the seagulls. My boyfriend's face was mushed into my hair. At first it felt debilitating . I thought - how ridiculous this is- creating a self portrait/ comic with the intentional editing of the protagonist. However, as I did the exercise, I really had the opportunity to see my world and the way that I choose to spend my time and who I choose as my company. I ended yp wanting to not depict a specific moment or event but a general feeling or emotion. I felt compelled to create textures. It took me a very long time to actually go out and do it. I sat for a while fixated on the five choices that we discussed in class. How was I going to integrate these structured choices into my assignment? Eventually I just let go of the idea of following the rules. I thought that this first go at a 24 hour comic was about experiencing my world and to make it flow better or make more sense to an outside viewer, I would have other opportunitites to integrate needed elements that I had neglected.

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